Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sherwood Bound

God has been working in mighty ways this year. I am so excited to be where God has taken our family. I intended to blog about how we got to this point and I kept going further and further in the past of the great things that have happen that have gotten us here. At the same time it just seems that I cannot go on without glorifying God for each and every one of those growth moments. GLORY TO GOD! So, without explaing every growth moment in detail I can definitely say that all these moments had a centralized theme which is CHANGE. This change required me to truly "die to self" and to truly allow God to transform and sanctify me. The more I allowed HIM to change me, the more I saw that I needed change, that I needed God. I wasn't doing this alone either, Beth also was allowing God to work in mighty ways. Left and right things were changing for us and during all these changes I began to think, the Lord is definitely preparing my family for something. Have you ever had those moments when you just knew this was the direction you were to go. I have, especially when I knew I was going to marry Beth. Well, it happened again for the both of us at the same time. We just knew!

Here is what we have been preparing for...

On September 2nd, Stan Granburg was our special speaker for church service. He spoke about his ministry Kairos. Kairos is a church planting ministry and they were introducing the lead church planters for a church plant in Sherwood (8 miles away). Things like this always are exciting to me, but when Beth and I looked at each other, we both knew instantly this was something we wanted to do. We contacted Wilson immediately and met with him and his wife, and prayed a lot, cause this was going to require us to leave a church family we really love. Well as you may have guessed we committed to be on the team for the church plant. We are so excited for this OPPORTUNITY that God has been preparing us for. We are excited for this new chapter in our life.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19

OPPORTUNITY: an appropriate or favorable time or occasion