Tuesday, November 6, 2007

From Brand New to Homeword

I don't know when it was, but when I finally found it, I was hooked. I was very surprised that I found talk radio so fascinating, especially when I found 93.9 FM KPDQ. If you know me well enough I absolutely love to sing! Not only do I love to sing, but I love to sing to God! I would always listen to music until I found this uplifting, informative talk radio program. I'd would find myself rushing to the van earlier than I really need to be there in order to hear the next sermon by Bill Ritchie on his Brand New Radio Program, and then I would listen to Georgine Rice on the way home....good stuff! Anyway the point of this blog is I got bummed this morning because I realized that it had been since Wednesday since I heard Bill Ritchie's really good sermons, I noticed I wasn't rushing to the car since I started full time at the gallery, That's because I was going to the gallery at 12 , but now I needed to leave around 8:30. So leaving bummed about missing Bill, I get in my car and wonder if I should return to music, cause I did just spend an unusual amount of time working on my Ipod last night (1 a.m-what was I thinking). Well the car was already on my favorite station of talk radio and low and behold I found another program that was very uplifting to my day. So now I can't wait for the rush again to listen to Homeword with Jim Burns....it was very good...(It was called the "Power of being there"!) And I needed to hear this one.... aren't they just so timely. I also learned they both have podcast, so I still can hear Bill Ritchie, just harder to find the time, listening in the car is preferrable it does help to deal with the slow traffic!