Monday, May 26, 2008

Sisters meet Clarissa Joy!

Happy Memorial Day! What a day of excitement yesterday was! The most excitement was introducing the girls to their new baby sister. Alaina of course is very happy, and has had many opportunities to hold her, and is doing a great job doing so. Ariana, not really sure she gets that this little "baby doll" will be coming home and has taken her spot of being the "baby". Only time will tell on how she will deal with this...we'll help her along! She is very curious and is trying to climb on everthing here in the hospital to try to get a peek at her sister, just gotta keep an eye on her...Clarissa gets a thumbs up from the girls! The most exciting part of meeting Clarissa was being able to help with the baby's first bath. We had many visitors, many were church family, very close friends, & very excited grandparents.

Beth has decided to take advantage of another night of 24 hour assistance from the nurses, and the opportunity to be with just Clarissa, so looks like we will be taking Clarissa home tomorrow. We will take some sort of family picture tomorrow before we leave...until then God Bless You All

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