Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

The girls could not wait for Easter to arrive.  They woke up very, very early to look for the easter baskets.  I missed the whole thing.  I went to bed at 1:30 am that morning, otherwise I would have been up to see their excitement with camera in hand.

Here's a picture of the easter baskets, without the stash!  They loved them!

After our Easter gathering at Sherwood Community c of c, 
we went to Beth's aunt's home in Vancouver, Washington.  

Aunt Kim couldn't resist getting the girls matching bunny ears. 
Here's Alaina sporting her groovy bunny ears!  Thanks Aunt Kim!

Clarissa Joy and Mommy!

Arianna posing her new ears off too!

There were plenty of eggs at this hunt, Alaina filled up her basket twice!

Arianna did better this year.  She actually understood what was happening!  
Clarissa was on the sidelines watching!

Near the end of the evening, I wanted to get some photos of the girls in their matching dresses.
And so did everyone else.  There were flashes going off everywhere. 
It was as if they were on the red carpet.  It was fun!

The girls wanted to cuddle and hug after the papparazi finished!

Of all the pictures taken, I finally got all of them to look at me at the same time.  
I have beautiful girls!  I love them so much!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Arbor Day in Sherwood

Sherwood Oregon is now 30 trees greener!  And Alaina and I helped.  

We were able to participate in this event that Sherwood has done for 4 years. 
When it came time to go, Alaina became very reluctant.  I promised her it wasn't going to take long.  I later learned she had no idea how her and I were going to plant a full grown tree. 

 As you can tell by the images, she enjoyed herself and we plan to visit our little tree and watch it grow.  We will have plenty of opportunities to visit the tree and make sure it is doing ok, since it is down the street from some dear friends. 

 We like to encourage you to make or find an opportunity to plant a tree, and recycle as much as possible!  Wow who would have tought I'd become a tree hugger?

Monday, March 30, 2009

First blog post of 2009

Alot has happen since Alaina has lost her third tooth!  
First of all, Clarissa, who we now call Rici (Ree-See), nicknamed by Alaina, had 6 teeth come out in the matter of weeks, so now she can share in one of daddy's favorite snacks. Crackers!

I guess I'd like to blame my lack of posting due to always updating Facebook, but even before Facebook I still had trouble, but I have posted on Facebook more than I thought I would.  But for those few friends determine not to get sucked in by facebook, I must keep up with my blog.

Here is what has been happening since December...

In December, due to the poor economy, I went from being a salaried employee to an hourly employee, working only 12 hours a week.  I was sure I was going to find supplemental income, or another full time job, but there has not been much success on that front yet.

Working less hours did give me more time to be with my family during the holidays, in fact another variable made that reality even more real.  We had the worst snow storm in decades and were pretty much stranded for days.

New Year's came and we had some friends over to play games and mostly Sing Star!  And to tell you the truth, we said good riddance to a year that was probably the most challenging for Beth and I.

Finally, January was upon us and the long awaited grand opening of our church took place. 

It has been such a eye awakening experience to be apart of something like this, we still get a lot of joy being part of a community that accepts you where you are at, but challenges you to do life better at the same time.  Here's a video of opening day!

- February - 

Just a few weeks later, my grandmother showed signs that her cancer was spreading rapidly, and my mother called and informed me.  In an effort to see my grandmother again, I packed up our town and country van with my three young girls and wife and took a road trip to Texas (33 hours).  We left Monday afternoon and arrived Wednesday evening.  40 hours later, my grandmother passed away!  

On our way back to Oregon, we took it back slower, stopping in New Mexico, & California  ( 3 nights).  I was able to reunite with a TBI classmate of mine, and we took the girls to Disneyland courtesy of the grandparents.  I think the girls meeting the princesses was the highlight of Disneyland, oh and of course the teacups, everything else they were scared of....girls, what do you do...maybe in another 3 years!

After being on the road for two weeks, eating out all the time, we were so ready to be home.  

Not much exciting has happened since we got back from Texas.  Althougth I did turn 35, and that one was a tough one for me.  But life goes on.... Im still looking for a stellar job, working on being a better husband and father, and meeting faboulous people through the new church and watching amazing things happen there.  Till next time....Much Love!