Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome Clarissa Joy! (2 wks early!)

Our beautiful 3rd girl has been welcomed into our family at 3:39 a.m PST today! She weighed exactly what Ariana (our 2nd) did. 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Her length is 20" long. Like the first two girls, it went very quickly. We had several signs that the birth was impending, but research was saying anytime from a few hours to two weeks, but Beth and I just knew the day was here! I decided to go to bed around midnight and then at 1:30am Beth hollared out that her water broke, I got up quick, trying to figure out what to do next, called Cathy Blackwell to come watch our girls, grabbed our bags and headed to Providence which is only a couple of miles away. We arrived at the hospital at 2 am, and they checked Beth and she was 5cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. We informed everyone at the hospital that this happens quickly and fortunatly the guy who gives the epidural was just finishing up with another person who had just had her baby. We lucked out and got the epidural in time. We think she is so beautiful and are very excited to have Alaina and Ariana meet their new baby sister. We are excited for you all to meet her too if you are close by. We are in Birthing Suite 258 at Newberg Providence Medical Center. It is recommended that we hav no visitors between the hours of 2pm - 4pm. Of course the hospital is very secure, so remember to cooperate and mention you are visiting "Elizabeth Flores". Thanks for your prayers & support.

God Bless,
The Flores Family


Anonymous said...

Beth - you look like you had the baby delivered to you! You make it look relaxing andpleasant to give birth! You are a rock star!

Rachel Jaquette Bauer-Murphy said...

Wow! She's PERFECT! We're so excited for you guys! We'll be by sometime this afternoon to meet her. She has a birthday buddy- today is Delaney's first birthday! :) Rest up! Three is the most exhausting number I've ever met in my life!
-Ryan, Rachel, and the 3

Raylinda said...

Congratulations - We are so happy for you - she's beautiful. Enjoy and God Bless, Raylinda Price

Alena said...

Congratulations to you all!! I'm so happy for you. Beth, you look amazing! Clarissa Joy is a beauty, just like her sisters! We'll be by to see today!! We love you all!!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Chris and Beth,

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful new baby girl.

We look forward to more pictures soon.

Ryan and Mara

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Guys!!! She is very beautiful. Wish we were closer so we could stop in. We are actually moving out to Beaverton next week or so (buying our first house) so we'll be a little closer, right? Well, have fun with your new little one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you! How exciting it is to see a beautiful family growing!

Anonymous said...

hello cuz i am happy for and your family take care of your new family ps can you send me your addres a gin i lot it on my old compter talk soon tell new mommy take care.. your cuz stephania ramon