Saturday, October 25, 2008

Clarissa is 5 months!

Clarissa Joy is such a sweet and happy baby! It is very hard to get her to smile at a camera since behind the camera is what she really wants to see. But after a very good effort from all us, we got her to smile, and at the same time we learned she can sit up! Clarissa has not had any seizure like symptoms since the end of August, but we still kept her appointment with the neurologist. She had an EEG which came back normal, her head measurement continue to increase, which is another very good sign that the symptoms were not very serious. We were suggested to skip a certain shot infants get until the neurologist clears her to have it. Naming her Clarissa Joy was perfect, she smiles alot, and is now talking alot, so she'll fit right in our family just fine.
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